Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gamers Solve Scientific Problems

How did gamers use the computer gameFoldit to solve the protein folding mystery? 
They used it to unlock the protein structure.
Who can participate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit
A person that could participates has to know of this stuff  and that it needs to be interesting for them
What can critical thinking do for science? 
Well their need to be critical thinking for the diseased and the illness kind.
If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be?

It would be cancer any kind of cancer.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mini Game

Was it hard to make your mini-game ?
Well yeah it was hard because I kept messing things up and i needed help a lot .
The best Part ?
Is that I finished my steps in time and that it looks awesome.
The Worst Part ?
The worst part was that I kept getting errors and I was struggling a lot with the game.